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“How dare you dare to be happy and unbothered.” CEO DriveHer

Don’t care when your peace of mind makes others uncomfortable sis 🤎.

The black woman 👩🏾 must #divest from the struggle bug of life.  Often people will make us to feel guilty or undeserving of the greater things of life, luxury, joy, love, etc.

Via YouTube I’ve been introduced to a number of women be-it older, single, married, black, or white that have a real balanced position on #femininity, and I’m loving it!

I must admit in years passed I too did not feel deserving of certain things, it seemed as if those things, persons, experiences, places, somehow took away my struggle, my story… well NO! No it does not, in fact if it pushes out bad chapters, memories, or pain good riddance!

Photo by Ogo on

The black woman 👩🏾 is only allowed to be great if tied to struggle, pain, embarrassment, shame, or lack. Often times and many of those times governed and determined by the likes of OTHER BLACKS! The contempt and distain from other blacks when in fact we divest, distance, and no longer demoralize ourself is high. You’re treated as a traitor and even shamed for daring to live a great life far removed from the infamous “struggle”.

The first woman 👩🏾 I grew to see do this was my mother.  My mother was NEVER subjected to her environment, my mother walked, talked, strutted, moved with such grace regardless of our state as a family.  Unfortunately I failed to appreciate it only until well into my adult years, and even more at almost 41.

I wondered why my mother’s confidence was so high, why she dared to be so bold and free spirited, why she felt deserving to be in any arena. I secretly shamed her, I thought humility was best, when in fact I needed what she tried to teach me for years. Now, I’m that woman and I love it! In fact I’ve always been that woman, I just needed to allow myself to be her.

My sisters don’t apologize for your peace, greatness, self-love, and confidence. Anyone coming in with the bull&$@ you gracefully bow out, exit stage left, and go about your business black woman. You go and be great!

Today’s and forever’s story is no longer rooted nor driven by struggle, but rather our strength to no longer reside in struggle… struggle where bih 💅🏾 *tuh. #businesscoach #divestment #divestedblackwoman #bodacious #audacity #sistergoals


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