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Costs continue to skyrocket, inflation nowhere near peaking and already at a 40 year high (from the President Regan years), food & energy getting out of control, it’s time to DECLUTTER YOUR DOLLARS (new ebook coming out this week by CEO DRIVEHER). 🏦💵🕵️‍♀️👩🏾‍💻 The average American 🇺🇸 family has already seen a cost 💲 of living increase of $300 – $500 a month. I want to help you in more creative ways place a financial hedge of protection to offset rising costing. Some things we have no control over and will just have to fork over the dough, but if we creatively drop costs in other areas we won’t feel it as much. Here are some of the strategies, suggestions, and ideas 💡 to implement to minimize costs that make a massive difference!

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1. Create milk routes! What do I mean by that? Maximize your time and energy by planning/scheduling shopping, errands, appointments, etc. We fail to realize how much time, fuel, and energy is expended from not planning our days. Take for instance you can plan to do all these things once a week on the same day! I’d suggest when doing this you start at the earliest time so you’re not fighting with traffic. Also set up a roadmap/list of all the stops and hit them up in a uniform manner so you’re not overlapping. I use to do this when I was an Uber driver and it works!

2. Cancel subscriptions that are of no value! If you never use them, ditch them. Learn to live without certain things. I don’t care 🤷🏾‍♀️ if it’s for $2 dollars if it fails to serve you ditch it.

3. Start a change jar placing all change in a 5-gallon water jug. Yo, trust me this works! You’ll be surprised what a full $ 5-gallon jug can save up. I had a friend that had $7,000+ in one of those and she used it as a down payment for a truck. She was a waitress in iHop and from tips always had changed.

4. Do laundry only 2x a month! Why? I’ve noticed people will wash 3 pieces of clothes use up a bunch of energy, soap powder, and water for a few pieces of clothes. You want to maximize your loads (not overstuffing), but get drear use of components. Y’all water, energy, and detergent are EXPENSIVE! Learn to reserve.

5. Cook at home with quality foods especially if you have children. People really sleep on this because they think paying less for food and eating processed low-quality food is better serving when in fact it’s not. Actually, it’ll cost you more eating CHEAP! Processed foods are filled with fillers that leave you satisfied for a minute, but due to being stripped of things like fiber you’re quickly hungry again. This is why kids eat so damn much. Cheap food goes right through them. Have a high fiber-based diet and fatty proteins to keep a longer-lasting sense of fullness.

6. Get an air fryer and large crockpot! Yo, you’ll barely use your stove or over which preserves fuel/energy costs. Plus you get the best damn food ever! My air fryer does the most it’s even a dehydrator. Next on my list is a bread maker and high-power mixer.

7. Get some weather stripping and insulate your doors, windows, etc. duh 🙄. Y’all with energy costs going up this should be a no-brainer! For less than a hundred bucks you can do this for your home 🏡 or apartment. These things actually work too good. If you have some old ones simply replace them.

8. By dry goods in bulk directly from the manufacturer or believe it or not Amazon. Learn to pay attention to the oz. and pounds on a box of food. It takes a little math, but due to “shrinkflation” grocery stores are making hand over fist and I get it, but if you have certain products you love, buy in bulk elsewhere. (And not always Costco 😒.)

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I’ll have dozens more option in my upcoming ebook, but here’s a great start! One of my favorite economist is now shouting to the mountain tops on the incoming hyper-inflation. This is what we most definitely do not want, it could literally destroy America (which is the elites plan, to financially collapse our dollar so that we go to a global dollar, one world currency). Of all classes the middle-class will be the worse affected. The middle-class makes up the larger majority of our society as well pays the MOST in taxes. Remember inflation is a form of a tax. They seek to tax the hell out of us to keep us enslaved and co-dependent on big government. I strongly encourage you all to get in front of this, and a major way is by implementing a means to declutter your dollars, cut costs, and think of purchasing power on a macro-level.

Be sure to sign-up for CEO DriveHer daily and weekly tips, blogs, and more! Find us on Youtube, Rumble, Instagram and website to find so much more.

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