I want to be the first of those within the gig world to declare that we all are on the brink of the greatest transference of wealth like never before! Unfortunately many giggers, independent contractors, freelancers, and those self-employed will fail to take advantage of all the assistance, loans, grants, and opportunities made available by our current administration.
I have been warring internally as a gigger and entrepreneur, I’ve continued to work within the gig economy focusing primarily on deliveries for Ubereats, DoorDash, and Roadie with far and few rideshare opportunities. I found myself doubling down in this “Covid-19” economy and though it’s been sort of a sharp shift I am earning maybe just 20% less working the same amount of hours in not less as well, but nowhere near as hard. I’ve taken this opportunity to learn different strategies, studying the market, seeing how deliveries are thriving, and how patrons in this downtime are still spending lots of money. Our cities are ghost towns but the virtual online world is booming with business!
As a gig strategist this time of work is providing me with great data and an inside look into the human condition through my work in the gig economy. My finds are amazing and I will later in the future share those findings with you.
But back to my internal war, on one end I struggled with should I allow myself to be susceptible to this climate of uncertainty, I definitely don’t have personal health insurance and the last thing I need to be is sick. As a freelancer, self-employed, gigger, etc. we aren’t allowed sick days, hell we barely take off any days from work, so am I being negligent? On the other hand I have a strong work ethic, and fear comfortability, I seen the possibility of serving within this time and what it may bring about in the future, and that future in my opinion is bright!
As I scroll through online posts and videos I see so many bragging about the “free money” they’re opting in to receive. People are actually excited about the $1200.00 stimulus check and the unemployment insurance. I do believe many people need both of these and should take total advantage of this provision, but as for us giggers, self-employed, entrepreneurs, etc. I dare to second this amenity. I am the owner of numerous businesses as well as work various other gigs that are app based, the last thing I want or need to do is collect unemployment. The unemployment wage is peanuts compared to the SBA grant which is provided on http://www.sba.gov under the disaster relief tab. They are offering a forgivable upfront $10,000.00 grant advance that doesn’t need to be paid for regardless if your loan is approved or not! Now I am not a mathematician, but I easily crunched the numbers in my head and clearly seen the win factor in selecting this over unemployment.
Yes, this is a bold assumption and I totally understand the uncertainty in this current state of affairs, but what do you have to lose that you already haven’t. Most Americans cannot afford to go a week without a paycheck being we live paycheck to paycheck in addition less than that have $1000 or even $300 in a savings account, but if you’ve noticed people are not in the streets starving, there isn’t any rioting, and I’ve not heard of anyone being evicted. We all are managing somehow which is actually quite odd considering the majority of Americans are not working or earnings are significantly lower.
I believe it is because of the guaranteed provisions in place to protect most Americans. Now I’ve heard of some municipalities violating federal and state orders to not shut off utilities, etc. but those stories are far and few. Right now cellphone companies have deferred payment of bills out anywhere from 60 – 90 days, all you have to do is call and ask. Utility companies are ordered to not disconnect essentials such as water, gas, and electric. Cable companies are deferring payments as well. Landlords of both commercial and residential properties are ordered to not pursue any evictions for if I’m not mistaken 60 – 90 days; in addition there are provisions for them for earnings lost due to not meeting their business costs too. So in short the buck has been passed and the majority of cash flow is on pause. With the being said what an awesome opportunity to invest in yourself, your business, your future to ensure you’re never in a situation whereas you do not have access to capital. I believe that time is now upon us and with all the available grants, loans (at low interest), deferment of student loans, and debt. forgiveness please take advantage of this! Also right now online courses, business kits, and resources are extremely cheap. Online sellers are itching to move product and selling things at awesome bargain prices, prices that I don’t think we’ll see again for a long time. You can actually purchase your blog website through WordPress for $1. I myself have invested in 4 kits/business courses to help me in this downtime to reshape, restructure my businesses and mindset. Some of the riches things of value come in the form of information and tools, especially as a business owner!
So giggers, freelancers, entrepreneurs, contractors, self-employed etc. seize this moment of hidden wealth, double down on the opportunity of “club quarantine” and maximize your earnings by acquiring knowledge and investing in your business(es). We literally have a break from most bills and have the opportunity to still make money. Don’t allow the immediate gratification of sitting at home to just collect an unemployment check fool you to thinking you’re fulfilled and getting over. I assure you if you do so you’ll later regret your actions. Take advantage of the unemployment if you must, but remember it’s for those that need it not those seeking to abuse the systems or get a break from work. For us blessed with able bodies and employment keep doing so until the well dries up, unemployment is available until the end of 2020 so you have plenty of time to determine if its actually needed.
For my coaching, consultations, or any of my other services please visit my website at http://www.ceodriveher.shop and I’d love to help you in learning how to fund your dreams.