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Look y’all if there was ever a time to cancel out the white noise and put your nose so far up in your own affairs, that time is now!

So, for the past week and for the rest of the month I have decided to take a different approach in my business and personal affairs. From the time I have started my changes have yielded me quite the dividends that as a business owner is priceless.

Photo by Kaboompics .com on

I literally decided to swamp myself in all things that pertains to me, my business, my students, my clients, and NOT the world. I’d be the first to say that I’ve become swayed with all the daily events and simply had an epiphany of how pointless most of it is. The fact of the matter is we’re surrounded by lawlessness, corruption, and sadness, but it is also fact that we must focus on our own matters taking matters into our own hands to ensure our future. Sitting around talking, complaining, pointing, and literally frustrated by the madness just isn’t worth it. I have come to learn that if something is constantly affecting your peace, leaves you feeling empty, confused, or frustrated then most likely that thing is not worth your time. Sorry, but not sorry. From wars to rumors of wars, constant up and downs in this fake pumped up economy, media’s propaganda, and worst the moronic behavior, and mindset of many in our nation, I have had to tap out and say I am done! I can only fix me and that which is within my reach, I’m finally okay with that. Kimberly is not here to save the world, but to be influential to those within my direct reach.

Another thing that made me take a different approach to things were my constant emotionally charged rants, and sways because of all the external images, data, news, comments, etc. I found myself reviewing. My emotions were all over the place and it impeded on my ability to work efficiently and be level-minded. So, what did I do?

  1. Got off social media.

  2. Shutdown my social media IG that had the most impact on me and my rants which was IG. I plan on keeping that page disable for at least a month.

  3. Started a new professional business page where the only thing I focus on is my brand and rebuilding my digital footprint.

  4. By default was kicked off Youtube which helped with a much needed break for me to reflect and see some changes needed.

  5. Changed the setting in my cellphone to having ZERO notifications, no buzz, no pings, no popups when screen is locked. (This is in my top favs.)

  6. Got back to listening to better vibration of music i.e. classical and lo-fi.

What has this canceling of white noise has yielded me?


  2. Mental clarity in my business messaging.

  3. Broader and grander ideas.

  4. Completing and finishing tasks, not starting something all to stop and jump to something else.

  5. Catch up on emails and respond.

  6. Spend more time with my students and clients.

  7. MAKE MORE MONEY! Mannnnnn if you only knew! It is as if my business knew I was giving her more attention.

  8. The ability to be less emotional and snappy.

  9. Win back time that was idle because of social media.

Photo by Lisa Fotios on

See in the line of work I do social media can disguise itself as “work” that being because I pull a number to elements of the social media world into my business. So, what I’ve done is redirected that energy and focus in various spaces of my life and business. I’m a bit embarrassed that I allowed myself to stray so offshore. Whelp at least I’ve taken corrective action and if need be in your life I suggest you do the same. If you find yourself thinking or feeling as though you need more time to fulfill your business tasks, may I suggest you take careful audit of your “white noise” in your life. Now, white noise come in an array of types, mine was hidden within social media, but is yours video games, idle conversations on the phone, tasks that serves as a form of escapism, or whatever, only you can have that “come to Jesus” conversation with yourself and identify your white noise.

So, what do you say? Are you going to mind yo business? I promise you that if so you minding your business will yield you greatness and mo-money that’s for sure! Let me know have you ever had to recalibrate like this before? Have you ever got so caught up unintentionally that you got lost in the sauce of life, world events, and worry? Be sure to comment below and share I’d like to hear and how you found solutions that got you back up on the saddle to MINDING YOUR BUSINESS.

Kimberly CEO DriveHer,


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